Cities and Stories



Vilnius Story

Vilnius has always been known for having plenty of trees and desire paths. Here, people like to do as they please and walk where they want. Things are changing rapidly, and soon asphalt might cover all of the ground and maybe parts of the sky too. Trees are constantly being cut, parks keep disappearing, and birds are leaving their nests. But before we got too busy searching for a place that is on everyones radar, it is good to remember, that there are always possibilities to create your own personal routes, find your own favorite places.


Desire Paths Map


Tokyo Story

This silk square is a calligraphy story inspired by the streets of Tokyo. It could as well be an advertisement signage or a traffic sign. It is a road map thru the city spending hours looking for one object and finally finding it. Both colours used in the design are common to the surroundings of the city. Everywhere you look in Tokyo you can see green rooftop playgrounds. They are part of the city’s landscape. In autumn, when leaves turn yellow and red Tokyo turns into soft tangerine (colour).


Roma Story

The city of Rome is being called the city of many roads and the place where all paths meet. Besides of many legends and tales it has shape of a big plate. The story I am telling now was designed after collecting lost rubber elastics. The action took place in one of the food markets in the center of Rome. I could spot many discarded elastics around there. They are commonly used to tie vegetables and fruit. This is how an idea to make a silk scarf with ‘golden’ spaghetti’s was created.


Venezia Story

The city of Venice has infinite angles and many names. It’s beeing called the city of water, the city of bridges, the city of masks, the city of silk... The design was inspired by shapes of drinking water fountains. Water stories are essential to the city. All things that are happening in Venice travels by waterways. This silk scarf is a labyrinth of Venice dedicated to a water fountain.


Copenhagen Story

If someone ask to describe Copenhagen in a few words, it is the city of cobblestone streets and salt water canals. It is the city made of both: hard and soft. Things are constantly in flow, in change here. Like the night turns into the day, so is life in Copenhagen. Older stories overlapping with new ones, worn out windows are being replaced with modern ones. Maybe because of so much water that surrounds it, this flow of life feels very natural. Like a boiling pot, Copenhagen is always busy, always finding new ways thru the past.


Amsterdam Story

There are several things that make Amsterdam stand out among other places. One of them is it’s windows. Amsterdam's windows are such an attraction. Being so large in scale, they invite to have a look into someone’s living room, library or an art collection. For those looking outward, they are a source of light and connection to the world, while for those looking inward, they create a warm impression of being welcome. They are like open museums into the lives of Amsterdamers.